Improve Fuel Efficiency With Top Diesel Injector Testing Centre Near Hamilton
Wondering why your diesel engine seems thirsty or dirty? A whole range of common fuel injection problems can be the culprit. With Extract Engineering’s diesel injector testing, you can quickly track down the exact problems and the best possible solutions.
The diesel injector specialist covers the testing and reconditioning of injectors and pumps manufactured by VDO, DENSO, Bosch, and Delphi. With increased capacity, they can now offer their services to transport, haulage and agricultural firms in South Lanarkshire towns including Carluke, Larkhall and Hamilton.
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By using this testing service, you benefit from access to one of the leading diesel injector test specialists in the UK, to ensure your injectors’ fuel efficiency and improve emissions.
As a Delphi approved diesel injector specialist, Extract Engineering follows a comprehensive fuel injector flow testing process. The process begins by testing solenoid injectors with the Delphi YDT720 and piezo injectors with the Bosch FSA 050 electrical test machine.
According to Extract Engineering, testing fuel injectors can be challenging. In large part this is due to the complexity of modern diesel fuel systems. These advanced pumps and high-tech injectors can operate at pressures as high as 39,000 psi. In light of this, the company combines the Hartridge Sabre CRi Expert, a multi-brand test machine, with the state of the art Hartridge AVM2-PC to deliver accurate test results.
Upon completion of the test, the company provides results on fuel delivery, back leak, response time, nozzle opening pressure, minimum drive pulse, and new coding if required. The outcome of the tests helps you know if your injectors’ insulation, inductance, and resistance are within specified limits.
If the results of the testing are unsatisfactory, Extract Engineering can then clean and refurbish virtually any brand of diesel fuel injector and the high pressure diesel pumps required to feed them fuel at the correct rate and pressure.
The company is able to recommend solutions to whatever issues were highlighted by the test, which can be reconditioning the original injectors or supplying new ones if they originals are too worn. In the case of reconditioning, you are given a 12-month guarantee that is subject to terms and conditions. For more details, visit
About Extract Engineering Ltd.
Extract Engineering is a family-owned diesel engineering company that supports the transport, haulage and agricultural industries as well as garages which look after smaller diesel vehicles. With over 30 years of experience in the diesel engineering sector, the company’s team can provide a very personal engineering service. By employing the most up-to-date, comprehensive diesel fuel testing equipment, investing in constant training themselves and a deep involvement in field testing Hartridge prototypes, Extract Engineering stay several steps ahead of other diesel testing workshops. As a result of the company’s continued innovation and investment, it is now one of only 12 authorised Delphi diesel test and commercial injector repair centres in the UK.
Steve Jefferson, spokesperson for the company said: “As a family-run business, we pride ourselves on offering a personalised engineering service to our customers. We specialise in electronic unit injectors, electronic unit pumps, and smart injectors, and are always happy to discuss issues with our customers and offer advice as to the most cost-effective solution.”
As an authorised Delphi test centre, you can rely on Extract Engineering to deliver genuine parts, OEM spec testing, and coding to return your diesel engine to full efficiency with low emissions.
Ready to find out the issues keeping your diesel engine from reaching 100% efficiency? Visit today.
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